Each rescue shelter differs slightly, from the services offered to the exact location of the facilities. Within this list, you’ll be able to find a forever friend or even volunteer within one of these philanthropic organizations. Adoptive parents are given training and resources to bond with and adequately care for their new pet. Peppertree Rescue is a community staple in Albany, hosting numerous fundraising events throughout the year. Dedicated volunteers and foster families provide the backbone of this rescue shelter for Golden Retrievers.

As one of the longest-serving shelters of its kind, the Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue proudly serves New Jersey and surrounding states. Since 1993, they’ve adopted thousands of these dogs to loving homes in the Northeast. The mission of this rescue shelter is to provide adoptions and overall education related to caring for a Golden Retriever. In 2019 alone, they received over 300 Golden Retrievers needing homes and a loving family. This article is your reference for finding the perfect Golden Retriever shelter for your location in the Northeast.

Although some of these shelters are in nearby states, they all claim to service the entire state of New Jersey. In addition, all the shelters on our list are accepting dogs of all Golden Retriever mixes, not just purebreds. If you’re searching for the best Golden Retriever Rescues in New Jersey, then you’ve come to the right place. The vast majority of Golden Retrievers grow up in their forever homes, adored by the entire family for their unique traits. However, once in a while, a rescue is needed when a family can no longer care for their Golden. In New Jersey, there are several options for rescue shelters that specialize in this breed.